DJ Hire Edinburgh
Alex Tronic Records offer DJ services. Our DJ Paul Croan has had residencies in Ibiza, played the chilled out Cafes of Sunset Strip and guested at a number of UK Summer festivals. Our DJs also have extensive experience playing Parties, Events, Weddings, as well as smaller more intimate functions. As well as having the all the best tunes our rates are probably the best in Edinburgh!. Enquire now...For more information and to hire a great DJ in Edinburgh and the surrounding area contact Paul Croan on: 07904713833.
Vist our website here Edinburgh DJ Hire
We can cater for all your events, weddings, birthday parties, functions or any event that you require. We offer a professional PA, disco lights and DJ's with only the best tunes.
If you fancy your party further afield we can accommodate call Paul Croan on: 07904713833.
Live/DJ Appearances.
Fresh from the 2011 Summer in Ibiza Alex Tronic Records are now offering DJ Services for events, promotions, gigs, party's etc. Please call Paul Croan on: 07904713833 for more details.
Alex Tronic:
Shifting Sands
Becki Bardot:
Summer of Love EP OUT NOW!
Cosway: Artificial EP
The Human Language EP

ATR artists Alex Tronic and Snakestyle appear on the compilation album 'Shanti Lounge' - YSE223 Released 2010.
distributed through Edel Kontor and Millenium Records.